Mandy’s Personal Story

Mandy’s Personal Story: IBS, GERD, and the Impact of Chronic Illness

Hey Guys!At the age of 19 I developed IBS , which was extremely severe for many years. I was then advised to have a hysterectomy by a dr ( as I already had the children I wanted ) this helped a lot. But then since 2019 I’ve gotten a weak bladder/bowel I have Gerd and been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. And have bulges on my cervical spine. All of this is making my IBS stay in a constant flare up. All the pain and stress has took a toll on me and I now have psoriasis!! When will I get a bloody life !!! I’m only 48 and been single for 2 years because let’s face it. What have I left to offer . Just feel so alone now. I consider myself an attractive woman, but with all my ailments guys would run a mile ( and I wouldn’t blame them) anyway I find Imodium helps on really bad days. And drinking turmeric tea. Thanks reading.

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